Friday, December 14, 2007

Story Part III

Julius sat there looking at Gracius, he loved her so much, blood was flowing down his back he was weak, but he knew he couldn't die he had waited so long to be with Gracius again and now he was wounded. Adullum smiled; he raised his sword to strike the finishing blow on Julius, finally he wouldn't have to worry about the man who took the girl he loved, took his position in the army and left him as just a soldier. Julius could hear Adullum laughing, Julius looked at Gracius, their eyes met and Julius whispered " I love you Gracuis." He then jumped from off his knees, his sword met Adullums in mid-swing. Julius kicked Adullum backwards. "You took away Gracius from me, you tried to kill me, we were best friends, now we are enemies, lets finish this" and with that Julius lunged at Adullum. Julius swords locked with Adullums; their blows went back and forth. Adullum swung his sword at Julius' head, but Julius ducked barley avoiding being hit. Julius swung his swords upward as Adullum's sword came down. They locked, Julius glared at Adullum and then he took the sword in his left and pulled it out of the lock, while keeping Adullum's sword locked with the sword in his right hand. Downward swung the sword in Julius' left hand and took off the hand Adullum's sword was in. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH, my hand," said Adullum as he clutched the place where his hand had been; the blood began to pour out of his hand. "You lose" said Julius and with that he took his two swords and plunged on into the chest of Adullum and the other into his stomach. Adullum fell on his knees; Julius looked at him for a minute and then without hesitation pulled both swords out and cut of his head. Julius threw his swords on the ground, quickly he turned and ran to where Gracius was tied. He untied he quickly then embraced her. " I love you so much, I missed you so much" cried Julius. They were locked in the embrace for a few moment then Julius looked Gracius in the eye, she smiled at him, and then they kissed. After the kiss Gracius just looked at Julius and said " I thought I would never see you again, I love you so much, you are so wonderful." Julius smiled and they embraced again crying tears of joy. As they embraced Julius gasped, he then collapsed in Gracius arms........................


Anonymous said...

Hmm, well the name of the lady sounds quite familiar hehe. But this is a great story!

Stefanie McKinney said...

Wow, Brady, you've got quite the imagination there. I applaud you, my friend. Keep up the good work! Writing is always a good way to express yourself. Now, if you don't mind, I'm off to bed, for some much needed rest!

Stefanie McKinney said...

Have you given up on your blog, boy?

Chad said... stories Brady? Come on, I know you can come up with more than that

Chad said...

are you ever gonna finish this b.v? u really should at least visit my blog @