Monday, December 10, 2007


So.... I had to go back to work today. Not the funnest thing to have to do, but it wasn't that bad. I'm just gonna work 3 days a week and I'm earning money so that always good. Yes I work Wal-Mart and I work in the produce department. It has gotten alot better since I went on leave for college. But today was easy. It was a slow day so I really didn't have to do alot. Talked to alot of people about college and was asked alot of questions but it was good. God gave me opportunity to take a stand for him and talk about why I am at college and what I am studying. But I hope you are all having fun. Part 3 is coming soon


Deege said...

well i hope you're having fun....sounds like ur havin a blast workin at walmart! lol ttyl friend - grace

Stefanie McKinney said...

Hey Brady, looks like your having fun! Well, at least your keeping yourself busy enough that you're not bored out of your mind! (like I am) Well, I FINALLY got to see the 2nd and 3rd movie of the POTC series. I was really proud of myself! I stayed up from 11:00pm-7:30am watching all three movies! Crazy, I know, but hey, I'm a Crownie! lol

Anonymous said...

Brady Van Winkle! It must be so nice to work at Wal-Mart, I feel like I should work there since I'm there everyday anyway! Well glad you're havin a good break ttyl!