Thursday, December 6, 2007

The Journey Home

So one semester of college down, at least seven more to go. This semester has gone by so fast. I have so many great memories and great friends that I will always keep with me. Today we left to go back home and I was ready to go home but in a weird way I wanted to stay because all my close friends are at Crown. I already miss them. But the journey home was interesting. I fell asleep like right off the bat, but then I woke up as we came upon a traffic jam. We were in traffic for about 45 minutes, but then we were on are way again. Later on we hit more traffic but it didn't take that long to get through. I am glad to be home, but my friends I miss, one I miss alot. Break is going to be fun. I start work on Monday, but I am only working like 3 days a week right now. Christmas is soon and we are supposed to get a couple of inches of snow tonight. I don't really have a preference on the snow. I will enjoy break and the opportunities I am going to have over it, but I cannot wait to get back to college in January and see my friends again. Well thats what I have to say for now. I will keep you posted on how my break is and I will try to finish my story soon. Well Later

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