Friday, December 14, 2007

Story Part III

Julius sat there looking at Gracius, he loved her so much, blood was flowing down his back he was weak, but he knew he couldn't die he had waited so long to be with Gracius again and now he was wounded. Adullum smiled; he raised his sword to strike the finishing blow on Julius, finally he wouldn't have to worry about the man who took the girl he loved, took his position in the army and left him as just a soldier. Julius could hear Adullum laughing, Julius looked at Gracius, their eyes met and Julius whispered " I love you Gracuis." He then jumped from off his knees, his sword met Adullums in mid-swing. Julius kicked Adullum backwards. "You took away Gracius from me, you tried to kill me, we were best friends, now we are enemies, lets finish this" and with that Julius lunged at Adullum. Julius swords locked with Adullums; their blows went back and forth. Adullum swung his sword at Julius' head, but Julius ducked barley avoiding being hit. Julius swung his swords upward as Adullum's sword came down. They locked, Julius glared at Adullum and then he took the sword in his left and pulled it out of the lock, while keeping Adullum's sword locked with the sword in his right hand. Downward swung the sword in Julius' left hand and took off the hand Adullum's sword was in. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH, my hand," said Adullum as he clutched the place where his hand had been; the blood began to pour out of his hand. "You lose" said Julius and with that he took his two swords and plunged on into the chest of Adullum and the other into his stomach. Adullum fell on his knees; Julius looked at him for a minute and then without hesitation pulled both swords out and cut of his head. Julius threw his swords on the ground, quickly he turned and ran to where Gracius was tied. He untied he quickly then embraced her. " I love you so much, I missed you so much" cried Julius. They were locked in the embrace for a few moment then Julius looked Gracius in the eye, she smiled at him, and then they kissed. After the kiss Gracius just looked at Julius and said " I thought I would never see you again, I love you so much, you are so wonderful." Julius smiled and they embraced again crying tears of joy. As they embraced Julius gasped, he then collapsed in Gracius arms........................

Monday, December 10, 2007


So.... I had to go back to work today. Not the funnest thing to have to do, but it wasn't that bad. I'm just gonna work 3 days a week and I'm earning money so that always good. Yes I work Wal-Mart and I work in the produce department. It has gotten alot better since I went on leave for college. But today was easy. It was a slow day so I really didn't have to do alot. Talked to alot of people about college and was asked alot of questions but it was good. God gave me opportunity to take a stand for him and talk about why I am at college and what I am studying. But I hope you are all having fun. Part 3 is coming soon

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Story Part II

As Julius looked below he saw a group of men heading out the front of the city to fight the rest of his men. So he decided to jump swords drawn. As he landed his swords pierced two men in the chest and he rolled to the ground. He jumped up quickly as the rest of the men began to realize what was happening. Julius took his swords and slashed back and forth at the men in front of him. Behind him two men were charging, as he realized what they were doing he turned his back to them and as the men were close he ran forward but his foot into a man in front of him and flipped behind the two men. His swords sliced across their backs and they fell. Julius quickly swung his sword to block two attacks coming at him. He ducked and thrust his sword into the throat of a leading solider. Julius began to attack with ferocity. He had to get to the gate and open it to let his men in. As he looked around he could see the people in the city running around trying to find a place to hide from the attack. Julius looked forward and saw something that made him stop in his tracks. There was the man he had been looking for for over a year. That man, the man who had attacked Julius one day when he was with his wife to be. Since that day Julius had not seen either of them, but he had this feeling that his girl, Gracius, was still alive. His eyes lit with fire, Julius began to fight like a madman. He screamed at the top of his lungs. ADULLUM, I WILL KILL YOU. WHERE IS GRACIUS???? Julius plunged his sword into the chest of two men standing beside he. He saw Adullum stop and turn around and look at him. Adullum smiled and yelled, "MEN KILL THAT MAN." Soldiers began to rush out from everywhere, but Julius knew what he had to do. Julius grabbed a bow and began firing at soldiers as they ran out to try to kill him. All the while, he was closing in toward the gate. He heard his men banging on the gate trying to break it down. Julius used the last of the arrows that he had found and began to run full sprint toward the doors, but constantly watching to see where Adullum went. Julius reached the gate and pulled up the lock. Arrows began to fly at him he threw up his shield as he opened the door. His men rushed in some were hit by arrows, but the rest screamed and ran full force at the men before them. Julius was at the lead. He hit the line of defenders first and crashed through the line like it was nothing. Julius saw where Adullum went and was heading there. Julius found an opening an ran toward the building where Adullum was. As he reached the building two large soldiers began to fight him. Julius blocked their attacks, sliced their legs and as they fell cut off their heads. Julius kicked in the door and there he saw Adullum, with Gracius. Gracius was tied up and looked weak. Julius heart raced and anger flared. He looked at Adullum, looked at Gracius and ran toward the back of the building where Adullum was. As he began to run out from behind Adullum flew an arrow. It hit Julius in the right side close to his shoulder. Julius fell for a second, reached into his pocket drew out his bow shot and fired and hit the archer. Adullum looked a little scared, so he grabbed the archers bow and fired three arrows at Julius. Julius blocked them, but he felt a sharp pain in his back. He fell to the ground and turned to see who had shot him. There was an archer behind him who had shot him. Julius took out his other bow shot and shot the archer in the throat. Julius stood up and glared at Adullum. "Adullum, this is between me and you, take a sword and fight me" Julius said this as he was running toward Adullum. The fight began, it was Julius against Adullum, a battle to the death. Julius' love for Gracius was what was willing him to stay alive and fight. Adullum was a great swordsman and knew how to cheat. Julius blocked Adullums first attack, but Adullum kicked him to the ground. Julius rolled to miss Adullums sword coming toward his head. Julius took his dagger and stabbed it into Adullum's leg. Adullum cried out in pain but attacked faster and harder. Julius was weak from his wounds, but he was countering every attack thrown at him. Adullum finally managed to land a blow across the back of Julius. He sliced from the left shoulder to the lower right back. Julius fell to his knees. He looked at Gracius, blood flowing down his back.............

The Journey Home

So one semester of college down, at least seven more to go. This semester has gone by so fast. I have so many great memories and great friends that I will always keep with me. Today we left to go back home and I was ready to go home but in a weird way I wanted to stay because all my close friends are at Crown. I already miss them. But the journey home was interesting. I fell asleep like right off the bat, but then I woke up as we came upon a traffic jam. We were in traffic for about 45 minutes, but then we were on are way again. Later on we hit more traffic but it didn't take that long to get through. I am glad to be home, but my friends I miss, one I miss alot. Break is going to be fun. I start work on Monday, but I am only working like 3 days a week right now. Christmas is soon and we are supposed to get a couple of inches of snow tonight. I don't really have a preference on the snow. I will enjoy break and the opportunities I am going to have over it, but I cannot wait to get back to college in January and see my friends again. Well thats what I have to say for now. I will keep you posted on how my break is and I will try to finish my story soon. Well Later