Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The end in sight

So there are exactly four weeks till we are officially out of school and into summer vacation. Thats really not that long and we only have two real weeks of classes in there. I am really excited about next week because it is Bible conference down here! I am looking forward to see what God will do and what he is going to speak specifically to me about. I can not wait to here some great preaching! Along with the great preaching there are going to be a lot of visitors coming and a few friends. I really am looking forward to getting to see Brad and spend some time with him, also excited to meet Grace's best friend Danielle. Bible conference is going to be fun, but it is also going to be a great time to see God work. But now with the end in sight it becomes so important to stay on top of things and not get a lazy attitude and just put off doing work. We must finish strong and then stay strong over the summer. Many great things lie ahead, we cannot give up before we reach them

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