Tuesday, November 27, 2007

A peaceful mind

SO...... It is almost time for finals at Crown College and my mind has been going a million miles a second trying to make sure I have all my notebooks caught up and all my assignments done. My mind is crazy and yet I still have time to think random thoughts and create stories in my head. No you don't get to hear one today, but sometime in the future maybe. Actually even with all this stress I am not stressed at all. My mind is very peaceful and relaxed but ever alert. I am very happy right now because of alot of good things that have happened to me. My life is great and I am happy right now. The end of the semester is drawing to an end, that is good, I have some really great friends that i know will always be there for me, and I'm just glad that it is finally the end. Well this is my random thoughts for today, nothing really crazy yet but soon maybe.

1 comment:

Deege said...

Well, I may not be 'peaceful', but I am thankful that THE END IS NEAR. Sounds sorta morbid huh? LOL