Thursday, November 29, 2007

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

A peaceful mind

SO...... It is almost time for finals at Crown College and my mind has been going a million miles a second trying to make sure I have all my notebooks caught up and all my assignments done. My mind is crazy and yet I still have time to think random thoughts and create stories in my head. No you don't get to hear one today, but sometime in the future maybe. Actually even with all this stress I am not stressed at all. My mind is very peaceful and relaxed but ever alert. I am very happy right now because of alot of good things that have happened to me. My life is great and I am happy right now. The end of the semester is drawing to an end, that is good, I have some really great friends that i know will always be there for me, and I'm just glad that it is finally the end. Well this is my random thoughts for today, nothing really crazy yet but soon maybe.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Prologue for my Book

How many men seek to have power? How many have obtained what they have sought or how many have lost what they have gained. Power is very corrupt or is it? If a man is given enough power will he use it for the right purposes or will he use it for destruction and evil. Power comes in many forms both visible and invisible. Some can supernatural powers others come to power, but the underlying question is why can power have such drastic effects on people? Trying to gain power some lose all the power they never had and some gain all the power in the world. But there is only One who is truly in control of power and that is God. He has the ultimate power and that corrupted one already. But really is power that evil or can power be used to teach men that power is not what it is about but it is about others. Try to control power and power will control you. So now is the question for you. What would you do if you gained power or were in power?? Would it break you or would you break it? We now must see how a man can have power but refuse to use it at all but then gain the most power in the end.

A Gladiator in heart

My name is Brady Van Winkle. I am a student at Crown College. I love gladiators and am one at heart. If I ever had the opportunity to be one i would. I would wield duel swords. I would be fast and powerful. To beat me you would have to be good, my strategy is flawless. I am actually going to be writing a book based on a Gladiator. The only problem is is finding time to write it. But honestly it would take alot to take me down. Like at least 3 arrows. Ok this post is me just having fun, but honestly I do love Gladiators and know a lot about them/