Wednesday, May 14, 2008

And so it begins

So its the last day of my interim and after today so begins my summer. I have been taking the TESOL I interim and it has been a lot of fun. I have learned a lot of things and much of it is practical and can be put to use to teach English. I cannot wait to take more TESOL classes, although having taking TESOL I to get ahead I signed myself up for a 7 A.M MWF next semester.. OH JOY. But now summer starts and I hope to stay busy by working 2 jobs and being heavily involved in my church. Well to all my fellow friends at Crown.. I am missing ya.. Hope to see all of you back in a few months. Take care of yourselves over the summer. I'll try to keep you updated on how my summer is going but we will see how busy I get lol!