Thursday, March 20, 2008

Two decades

So I have now live two decades. I have lived to be twenty years old, that is an accomplishment for me as accident prone and some of the crazy things I have done. You ask do you feel older? Well I mean you kinda can but you know how it is. My birthday was really great, but it was my first birthday away from home, so I didn't get my usual birthday meal, I got stuck with "Crown Food" lol. I was able to spend time with friends and just have a good day. It was the first birthday I have never had a cake or anything so it was kinda different. But now that I am not a teenager there are alot of expectations lol. I am hoping that being twenty is a good thing, but I am now half way to being over the Hill :O. Well thats all i have for now, ill keep you all updated on things.