Wednesday, February 20, 2008

In answer to my question

IF you mess up where do you turn. There is only one place, that is to turn to God. God will strengthen and guide you. He is the only way.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

If you mess up?

If you have messed up so badly what are you to do? If you have hurt the one closest to you, ruined chances you were given what can you do. It seems all you do is make a mistake, all you do is mess things up. And the hardest thing is not that you messed up thing for you, you messed something up for someone else. It just seems to drag you down. What do you do when the storms comes, when it seems there is not more light left around you, when all you feel like you can do is just give up? What do you do? Where do you go? When you have no one to talk to about the way you feel inside and how much it hurts, and how you just feel like doing nothing because it seems like there is no point. What to do? It seems as though your whole world is crashing in around you and its because of what you did, not what anyone else did.

Friday, February 8, 2008

So there ya have it

Yup there ya have it. SO its two weeks to midterms. Thats right for all you crownies who forgot, that mean lots of stuff to get done and little time to get it done in. But on another note we have holiday coming up this week. Yeah thats right Valentines day. It used to be one of my hated holidays. Its not really anymore, but I guess it takes having someone you can get something for Valentines day to get you over that. But for all you out there with no one, well I feel for ya, but keep hoping and trying there is always next year. But school is going good, but im missing my good buddy Brad who had to go home for this semester. Can't wait to see him in April. Well I hope you all have a great day and just keep smiling. Remember, God is in control, just have faith in Him and he will get you through